Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Legal Matters

My husband and I have increasingly been thinking about the future and his "rehabilitation" in prison. He has been on the wait list for some courses for almost 2 years, and it is getting to the point of being ridiculous. He has done so many correspondence courses, he has bugged prison staff about programs and has gotten nothing in return. We realize that action has to be taken. We want to try for a sentence modification so we can get him into some real rehabilitative settings.

Isaac had an issue with substances and has always wanted to go to rehab. He has never been to, never even had therapy, individual or group, and I think he could really benefit from it. Prison is not the streets, there are whole new pressures that exist out here and I secretly have fears that he might use again.

I spent part of the afternoon calling various rehabs in the area and discussing the situation with them. Most of them were very helpful and I feel optimistic about the future. I think that's what I need to feel like I am taking action, that we are trying to see that Isaac get's the best rehabilitation for his issues that we can find.

Both of us are so eager to start our lives together, but what we don't want is to get that confused with Isaac's desire to better himself in a different environment. We are not trying to use a "get out of jail free card." We are trying to design our lives in a way for optimum success. I met with his lawyer last week and he seemed slightly doubtful. He does not know the new Isaac, only the old Isaac. The man who cared little for other's feelings, and everything was about who or what he could use to his advantage. He is not that man anymore and he has not been that man for a very long time, but I understand his lawyer's hesitancy because that was the last image he had of Isaac. Now it is going to take some convincing to show a lawyer, a judge, a court that he has changed. I believe in him.

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